Sunday, 12 June 2016

The Star Fish

The Star Fish
Long long ago, there lived seven little fish. They liked to flush about among the blistering glistening sea.Also they like glazing in the flaming sun and the hotful tenticles of the sun.
One day, a mother fish said to her little fish, ''Now listen, you children. Keep close to the rocks. Don't play out at the open sea. Today, Tatarimaka goes out fishing.''
Tatarimaka was a giant who fished with a giant black net. He made it with the waxy flax that grew by Spirits Bay.
On this day, however, it was smooth. The sun was flaming upon them but that day...
There was an asteroid. It was roaring and flaming. It hit them with a SPLASH!!! They went up into the sky and turned into stars. They are now called Matariki.

Michael 16/6/16